Student Volunteer Package
Having students (preteen-junior high-high school) serve in children’s ministry is an amazing privilege, but also an incredible challenge at times.
This package contains 4 unique forms that will help you prepare to have students serve effectively in your ministry. Each form in this bundle is completely editable and customizable!
This package includes:
1. “I Will Agreement”
This is a volunteer covenant designed especially for students. While originally created with preteens in mind, this covenant could be adapted for any student! This agreement breaks down the unique responsibilities and expectations of student leaders.
2. Letter for Parents
To have students serve effectively, we need parents on board! This letter for parents explains the expectations of student leaders and what is needed from them.
3. Job Descriptions
Having a clear-cut job description is essential for students to serve effectively! Here you will find 6 brief job descriptions designed for students. These can be used simply as ideas, or to create jobs within your ministries!
4. Student Information Form
Students don’t love paperwork, but it’s essential to having them serve! Here is a brief volunteer information form for students to fill out on their own, and have parents sign. It is included as a docx and a PDF file.
You will also find a How-To-Use document explaining how we have used these documents in ministry and some tips for having students serve!