Stinky to Stellar Preteen Teaching Series
Stinky to Stellar has four devotion lessons for preteens. Preteens want to be happy, to fit in, to be popular, and to feel special. Sometimes preteens are willing to do anything to fit in, even give in to sin. Preteens need to know, that just being around sin can rub off, causing them to stink!
These devotion lessons will help preteens progress from making stinky choices, to stellar status, as they learn to share Christ with others.
The lessons include:
- Don't Stink (Making Good Decisions)
- Crusty Bread & Moldy Cheese (Diligence)
- Fly In My Soup (Handling Disappointment)
- The Remix (Sharing Jesus)
This download includes:
- 4 lessons with ice breakers, games, discussion questions, and more (.pdf)
- PowerPoint files
- Keynote files
- Graphics for ProPresenter or other software (.jpg)
See preview video here: