Experience Salvation Lesson
The goal of this lesson is to explain to children that all of us are in need of salvation – and Jesus provides it. That is GOOD NEWS!
The focus – for both children and for us, as leaders – has to start with the life of Jesus. This Experience Salvation lesson allows children to walk through the price that Jesus paid for us as a large group, and then take the time to walk through several activities that make the meaning of salvation come alive.
The goal of this session is not to get as many children as possible to repeat the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’ – but to have them realize what salvation means, and to respond in a way that is genuine to them. Their own prayers & desire to encounter Christ is the key to this experience being successful.
This 90-minute lesson is designed for a large-group, small-group setting – although it could be adapted to be entirely large-group, or entirely small-group.
The lesson itself is formatted with:
- TEACHER INTRO to the lesson (overview of topic)
- OPENING ACTIVITIES for early arrivers or to set the stage for the lesson
- OPENER & LARGE GROUP EXPERIENCE to tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection in a unique way
- THREE UNIQUE SMALL GROUP ACTIVITIES for kids to firsthand experience the meaning of Jesus’ death
This download includes:
- Suggested Worship Songs List
- Printable Take-Home PDF to guide family discussion
- 2 social media images designed for Easter
- Editable Word document of lesson
- Small Group and Large Group Leader Guides