Mind Meld On Screen Game
Can you read another person's mind if given the same category? In this screen based game, players pair up into teams of two in a daring attempt to read each other's minds.
The object of this game is to get two people to say the same thing at the same time. Play this game in pairs. First person says "one." Second person says "two." Both say "three." Together both people say a word that goes with the category on the screen. Don't expect to get the same word quickly. Don't give up! Keep trying! Feel free to pause the game if you need or want more time.
Each team of two gets a point when they say the same word at the same time. Most points at the end of the 12 rounds of game play wins!
This download includes:
- A title slide (jpg)
- A video file with all 12 rounds in one video
- Images for ProPresenter or other presentation software (jpg)
See the preview video here: