Emoji Bible Stories: Miracles of Jesus Bible Quiz Game
In this on-screen game, kids guess the miracle of Jesus from the emojis shown on the screen! Play in teams or as individuals in your large group setting or on Zoom. There are 11 emoji Bible story slides in all (10 for gameplay and 1 for a tiebreaker), each with an accompanying answer slide, plus a title slide, instructions slide, and blank slide if you want to add your own. A leader cheat sheet is also included to make leading this game super simple!
This download includes a ready-to-go PowerPoint presentation so you can play right away plus each slide as a graphic so you can insert them into your presentation software easily and quickly.
The miracles of Jesus referenced in the game include calming the storm, the miraculous catch of fish, healing a deaf and mute man, raising Lazarus from the dead, restoring a demon-possessed man, walking on water, healing a man born blind, feeding the 5,000, turning water into wine, and the resurrection! The tiebreaker story references when Jesus healed a man’s ear in Luke 22.
This download includes:
- Instructions for gameplay + leader cheat sheet (.docx)
- PowerPoint file with game ready to go! (.pptx)
- Graphic files of every slide so you can easily drop them into your presentation software (.jpg)
See preview video here: