Back to School Survival Kit
Help families thrive amidst the uncertainty of this school year by providing them with this Back to School Survival Kit. This download includes:
- A 6-part devotional that follows a “Chat About It”, “Chew On This” & “Challenge” Format. The devotionals are designed to remind families that God can provide help, wisdom, strength, courage, peace, and joy during this school year. Each Challenge Section has a full-page activity kids can complete!
- A Back to School Calendar that has daily prompts for families to use to connect with each other and with God. This calendar is undated but includes a full month’s worth of prompts! The download also includes a blank calendar template for you to create your own challenges.
- A Cheering You On Postcard that you can print and send to families as an encouragement.
- A sample Parent Memo to distribute with your guide
- A How-To-Use Guide and Survival Kit Idea List to help you make the most of this kit for families that you serve!
The devotional, calendar and postcard are included as PDFs and PNGs, so you can choose which format works best for you!